Saturday, April 30, 2016

Week 13-14 video review

All three videos made taught me that there are many versions or curating works of art.  I always thought that curating had to do specifically with exhibits being uniquely tied together.  However the videos showed me that entire museums can be curated to examine a specific them.  The Tate video showed me that interactive art is a theme that can be used to guide a visitor through a museum, while the metropolitan video showed me that curation technique and innovation in doing so can hold a visitors attention to each piece as they move through a gallery.  The lowbrow video showed me that art can be "lower class" but still have important points or deep concepts that aren't necessarily intellectual or formal. These lowbrow works reminded me of Cream's Disraeli gears album cover and somewhat of Jimi Hendrix Axis Bold as Love cover. 

The videos did relate to project #4 in that curation itself is an art, in putting it together I realized how much work goes into the arrangement of art so the exhibition flows seamlessly.  Curation and the creation of art each make the other one look like easier work, when indeed one is not more work than the other; but an exercise of the creativity of the mind.

The films were great, they expanded my view on the curation process and were fun to watch.  They filled in ideas of curation I was confused about before starting the project.

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