Saturday, April 2, 2016

Dominant hand vs. Non Dominant Hand

Using my hand for subject matter was nice because it was very quick reference, and right there when I needed it!  Although doing something and coming back to the initial pose based on what I had drawn threw me off a bit, I did the best I could to repose in a close position. 
I chose to do the drawings in charcoal, because that was the media I had initially bought for my value scale project.
Creating the subject with my non dominant hand felt strange in that I had control of the charcoal pencil, but I felt like I was really letting the pencil do the work, it was somewhat difficult to get as good of a drawing as my dominant hand as you can see by the wonky looking thumb drawn with my left hand.
I feel it was a successful study in that I found I can still somewhat sketch something with my non dominant hand.  I mean, it's not the best, but it's still a recognizable hand.
I would consider doing artwork in the future with my non dominant hand for fun on a piece of work that would be more of a test but also serious if it came out decent.  But if I was commissioned to do a piece for someone, I would certainly use my dominant hand.

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