Saturday, April 9, 2016

Module 10 2 videos

I chose the two films Islamic art: India and the Middle East and African Art.  I chose them because both cultures are so distant and unexplored to me.  Both cultures seem restricted to me because when I got out of high school, anything middle eastern seemed unwanted or shameful to be interested in because of the state of the union at the time.  I've gotten over it, in fact I was never really effected by it however, America is still stand offish to anything Middle eastern because of its relationship with those countries.  I picked African Art as well because I've never had good exposure to rich black culture, and it has always intrigued me.  I feel like there is still a stigma or tension between black people and white people, it's undeniable, it's why we have the black lives matter movement; which I am in full support of.  So, I chose these videos so I could get some background, or exposure to these cultures that I feel I have been denied by society.

The key concept I learned from the Islamic Art film based on the work I have seen is that the culture of the middle east, and the religion of Islam is delicate and detailed.  I feel like it symbolized a long history that is barely ever talked about.  The key concept I learned in the film African Art is that some of the art is functional which was interesting to me.  I like how the African religious beliefs are explored through performance art that taps into the spiritual realm. 

I really liked both films, they added a lot of insight to both cultured for me and a new value for those types of art.  They add depth to the reading in that the videos are always like a live up close demonstration of what the text is trying to say, and that's what I like about watching these videos.

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